Tarsius is a genus of tarsiers, small primates native to islands of Southeast Asia. Until 2010, all tarsier species were typically assigned to this genus, but a revision of the family Tarsiidae restored the generic status of Cephalopachus and created a new genus Carlito for two species. Source : Wikipedia
Contributor : NAUFAL FIRANSYAH ● No.Reg DTS : 0970777121-257 ● Class : WEB-1C ● Team Project : C03
We were a team in a web development class organized by Kominfo and partnered with Progate. The program of this commission called Digital Talent Scholarship, the program itself is designed for Indonesian youth to be prepared for the development of the digital industry 4.0. In the web development class, we were guided by progate, by good people who patiently taught us the skill, whether it was hard skills or soft skills, Ranging from HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and also how to be a good team on a project. We Are The Best Team !
Best view ( Chrome latest version ) 1920 x 1080 Media query Max width 1000px Max width 670px Tools HTML HTML5 CSS / CSS3 Font Awesome Navigation - Hidden top navigation. - Left navigation. - Back to top. - CSS slow scroll with anchor. Available template - Home page. - Single page per animal.